Glowing Customer Review of the Lion Premium 40″ L90000 BBQ Grill!

Hello from Best of Backyard! Testimonials can be extremely useful when you’re deciding on the value of a potential purchase. So when the product in question receives a positive response from multiple individuals– all of whom are very happy with their investment– you tend to take notice. This is exactly the case with all of the Lion Premium BBQ grills, and in this case we’re talking specifically about the beautiful 40″ L90000 Lion Premium BBQ grill. This Lion grill is an absolute powerhouse, putting out 90,000 BTUs across 5-burners. It is also chock full of features like a rotisserie, 1,030 sq. in. of cooking surface, an infrared backburner, and more. It also includes a gourmet package which contains a Lion grill cover, smoker box, and griddle with griddle remover.
This is really an amazing deal and we’re proud to feature yet another great review about this BBQ grill. Check it out below!
“Big grill for a great price. I just got my grill and it’s great. I couldn’t find such a large grill with all the accessories for the same price. Especially this kind of high quality grill. It comes with a griddle, grill cover, and a rotisserie. Pros: Durable, attractive design, and easy to use.”
-Steve @ Detroit, MI