Lion Premium Grills Review – “The L90000 is Gorgeous”

Greetings from Lion BBQ Direct presented by Best of Backyard! Today we’re going to feature a customer review of the Lion Premium Grills 40″ Built in gas BBQ Grill. This BBQ grill is constructed from high grade stainless steel, features five burners that output 90,000 total BTUs! Lion Premium Grills is known for creating some of the most luxurious BBQ grills on the market, bar none. The craftsmanship of these grills is unmatched and the reputation of Lion BBQ Grills backs that up. If you’re looking for one of the best grills on the market, you can not go wrong with Lion Premium. Enjoy the review!
“I grew sick of paying for the ability to “shop” at some of these “value driven” big retail stores/clubs. A lot of the products were of lesser quality and the saving weren’t great. When deciding on a new gas bbq grill, I went ahead and ordered the Lion bbq grill and this product has shown to be far superior to what I owned previously. The grill is just gorgeous, it’s versatile, and it cooks extremely well as far as it heats up evenly, provides a nice sear and so on. Amazing product!”
-Review by Gregory J. – Phoenix, AZ – Lion 40″ L90000 BBQ Grill –