Lion Premium Grills Stainless Steel Gas Grill Review of the 40-Inch L90000 from San Francisco, CA

Hello from Best of Backyard! We have another review today of the Lion Premium Grills L90000 Gas BBQ Grill. This exceptional stainless steel gas grill is constructed from stainless steel and puts out an impressive 90,000 BTUs across 5-burners. The grill package also includes the premium gourmet package (it includes a smoker box, rotisserie, griddle, and grill cover). It’s one of the best BBQ grills on the market bar none. Check out the review below and click on the picture of the L90000 BBQ grill for more information. Thank you for visiting!
"I have had this grill about a month and have used it 5 times. It cooks very well with good heat control. I also bought the searing burner which I have not used yet. Burgers, dogs, chicken and veggies turned out great with no flare ups."
Mike R., San Francisco, CA