Lion Premium Grills Review

Hello from Best of Backyard! We have another review today for Lion Premium Grills. This time it’s Cal from New York providing a glowing review of the Lion Premium Grills L75000 gas BBQ grill. Standout qualities that Cal cites are the overall power of the grill and the even heating. The 32″ Lion Premium Grills L75000 stainless steel gas BBQ grill is durable, affordable, visually appealing, and grills at the absolute highest of levels. Check out the review below for more information.
“ The grill itself is great. Well built, all the accessories, very powerful. I bought the searing burner , definitely worth it. With main burners on, it takes roughly 5 minutes to get to 400 degrees. Cooks evenly. It’s easy to remove rack for cleaning. For the quality and stuff, this is the best deal out there.” – Cal – New York –