Lion Premium Grills L90000 BBQ Grill Review!

Hello from Best of Backyard! We find customer testimonials to be extremely helpful when deciding on whether or not to make a purchase. If you’re investing a substantial amount of money into a product, then you expect that item to be crafted with the utmost care, visually appealing, and durable — you want to make sure that it provides years of quality usage! As such, reviews from highly satisfied customers are very important. We love to see all feedback and it’s even better when it’s from happy customers. The following review is about the luxurious Lion Premium Grills L90000 BBQ grill which features 90,0000 total BTUs, 5-burners and more. Enjoy!
“After careful searching for grills within my budget and specs, I chose the Lion L90000. The construction is solid and it’s well-crafted, with an eye for aesthetics. There’s nothing quite like beholding a solid stainless steel grill. I installed the L90000 three days ago, and I’m putting it through its paces. I started with burgers and dogs, and immediately noticed how gentle this machine is. Flare-ups are minimal, even without high-end flame tamers. Clean-up the next day was simple. The grates are solid, and all of the lower components can take grill brush abuse pretty easily. Next was low and slow pork tenderloin over indirect heat. The meat was tender, juicy, and spot-on for safe cooking temps. The Lion holds lower temps nicely. Today i cooked salmon over the included charcoal box and veggies over gas. That might have been the best meal I have ever cooked. Long story shortened: the Lion is a great, affordable entry into luxury grilling in my honest opinion. I can’t wait to rotisserie a standing rib roast… but it seems like i’ll be pretty happy with day-to-day grilling as well. ”
-Marc, Seattle, WA-